
Make a Donation

Please use the “Donate” button below to donate securely by PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). You can send any amount (whole numbers only), using either your credit card or your PayPal account.

Please note that we cannot accept other forms of payment such as checks or bank transfers. Also, donations to Italia Network Dance are not deductible for income taxes (but you need to check your state's legislation).


How Does Italia Network Dance Raise Money?

Italia Network Dance raises money via donations and limited advertising using only a few advertising partners.

Money that comes in to the project helps us pay for some of the less fun development work, bandwidth, web hosting, development tools, and audio hardware.

Other Ways to Contribute

Besides donating money, you can contribute your time by helping us with testing. We have always welcomed users whose only contribution is simply listen Italia Network Dance, giving us feedback on how to improve it and telling others about it. Thank you to all for supporting Italia Network Dance.

ITALIA NETWORK Dance Radio - I.N.D. Radio

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